DIY Airliner Bloody Mary Recipe

Not in IC? No Problem, I’ll bring Iowa City to you with this famous Airliner Bloody Mary recipe. While on spring break, my friends and I experienced our usual Iowa City-sickness. To combat our longing for our college town favorites, we opted to create a DIY bar to replicate our favorite Airliner recipe- The Bloody…

Iowa City’s Beer Burger- Yea or Nay

While my friends and I love the usual “app party” at liner, this Saturday’s Drinking excursion called for a new scene. After hearing students rave about the new Beer Burger, downtown, I decided it was time we put it to the test. Beer Burger is located on Burlington Street, replacing the late Zombie Burger. What…

Cactus, Cactus Read all About it

I’ll have a Jumbo on the rocks, hold the salt, and the largest tub of queso you can find. You haven’t been to Iowa City if you haven’t heard of Cactus- well, at least one of them. This friendly watering-hole received campus-wide attention for their odd choice to open three separate locations within a half-mile…

Iowa City Bars and What to Order

Iowa City is home to over 30 bars and taverns. While this number can be overwhelming, we’re here to hold your hair back through it all! Here is our quick guide to help you tackle downtown, one bar at a time. The Airliner- The Hammer What do you need to know about this joint? That…